
原著論文 (2010)

Inhibition of TXNIP expression in vivo blocks early pathologies of diabetic retinopathy.
Perrone L, Devi TS, Hosoya KI, Terasaki T, Singh LP.
Cell Death Dis. 2010 Aug 19;1:e65.

Regulation of extracellular-superoxide dismutase in rat retina pericytes.
Adachi T, Yasuda H, Aida K, Kamiya T, Hara H, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Ikeda T.
Redox Rep. 2010;15(6):250-8.

Hypertonicity enhances GABA uptake by cultured rat retinal capillary endothelial cells.
Yahara T, Tachikawa M, Akanuma S, Hosoya K.
Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2010;25(6):611-5.

Glycine and L-arginine transport in cultured Müller glial cells (TR-MUL).
Hosoya K, Ichikawa T, Akanuma S, Hirose S, Tachikawa M.
Neurochem Int. 2010 Oct;57(3):262-8.

The role of blood-ocular barrier transporters in retinal drug disposition: an overview.
Tomi M, Hosoya K.
Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2010 Sep;6(9):1111-24.

Involvement of system A in the retina-to-blood transport of l-proline across the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Yoneyama D, Shinozaki Y, Lu WL, Tomi M, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K.
Exp Eye Res. 2010 Apr;90(4):507-13.

Involvement of OCTN2 in the transport of acetyl-L-carnitine across the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Tachikawa M, Takeda Y, Tomi M, Hosoya K.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010 Jan;51(1):430-6.


Tomi M., and Hosoya K.: The role of blood-ocular barrier transporters in retinal drug disposition: an overview. Expert. Opin. Drug Metab. Toxicol., 9: 1111-1124, 2010.

原著論文 (2009)

Lysophospholipids enhance taurine release from rat retinal vascular endothelial cells under hypoosmotic stress.
Tachikawa M, Tsuji K, Ikeda S, Hosoya K.
Microvasc Res. 2009 Dec;78(3):332-7.

Cationic amino acid transporter 1-mediated L-arginine transport at the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Tomi M, Kitade N, Hirose S, Yokota N, Akanuma S, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K.
J Neurochem. 2009 Nov;111(3):716-25.

The blood-brain barrier transport and cerebral distribution of guanidinoacetate in rats: involvement of creatine and taurine transporters.
Tachikawa M, Kasai Y, Yokoyama R, Fujinawa J, Ganapathy V, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
J Neurochem. 2009 Oct;111(2):499-509.

Characteristics of glycine transport across the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Okamoto M, Akanuma S, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K.
Neurochem Int. 2009 Dec;55(8):789-95.

Inner blood-retinal barrier transporters: role of retinal drug delivery.
Hosoya K, Tachikawa M.
Pharm Res. 2009 Sep;26(9):2055-65.

Polyol formation in cell lines of rat retinal capillary pericytes and endothelial cells (TR-rPCT and TR-iBRB).
Kador PF, Randazzo J, Blessing K, Makita J, Zhang P, Yu K, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Aug;25(4):299-308.

Modulation of retinal capillary endothelial cells by Müller glial cell-derived factors.
Abukawa H, Tomi M, Kiyokawa J, Hori S, Kondo T, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Mol Vis. 2009;15:451-7.

High glucose and oxidative/nitrosative stress conditions induce apoptosis in retinal endothelial cells by a caspase-independent pathway.
Leal EC, Aveleira CA, Castilho AF, Serra AM, Baptista FI, Hosoya K, Forrester JV, Ambrósio AF.
Exp Eye Res. 2009 May;88(5):983-91.

Roles of inner blood-retinal barrier organic anion transporter 3 in the vitreous/retina-to-blood efflux transport of p-aminohippuric acid, benzylpenicillin, and 6-mercaptopurine.
Hosoya K, Makihara A, Tsujikawa Y, Yoneyama D, Mori S, Terasaki T, Akanuma S, Tomi M, Tachikawa M.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2009 Apr;329(1):87-93.


Hosoya K., and Tachikawa M.: Inner blood-retinal barrier transporters: role of retinal drug delivery. Pharm. Res., 26: 2055-2065, 2009.

原著論文 (2008)

Evaluation of amino acid-mustard transport as L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1)-mediated alkylating agents.
Hosoya K, Kyoko H, Toyooka N, Kato A, Orihashi M, Tomi M, Tachikawa M.
Biol Pharm Bull. 2008 Nov;31(11):2126-30.

Involvement of reduced folate carrier 1 in the inner blood-retinal barrier transport of methyltetrahydrofolate.
Hosoya K, Fujita K, Tachikawa M.
Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2008;23(4):285-92.

Expression and possible role of creatine transporter in the brain and at the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier as a transporting protein of guanidinoacetate, an endogenous convulsant.
Tachikawa M, Fujinawa J, Takahashi M, Kasai Y, Fukaya M, Sakai K, Yamazaki M, Tomi M, Watanabe M, Sakimura K, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
J Neurochem. 2008 Nov;107(3):768-78.

The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is a major pathway of cerebral creatinine clearance: involvement of transporter-mediated process.
Tachikawa M, Kasai Y, Takahashi M, Fujinawa J, Kitaichi K, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
J Neurochem. 2008 Oct;107(2):432-42.

Dehydroascorbic acid uptake and intracellular ascorbic acid accumulation in cultured Müller glial cells (TR-MUL).
Hosoya K, Nakamura G, Akanuma S, Tomi M, Tachikawa M.
Neurochem Int. 2008 Jun;52(7):1351-7.


細谷健一:吸収.「わかりやすい生物薬剤学」第4版, 辻 彰編, 13-57, 廣川書店, 東京, 2008.

Hosoya K., and Tomi M.: Inner blood-retinal barrier: transport biology and methodology, In Drug Absorption Studies-In Situ, In Vitro and In Silico Models, by Ehrhardt C., and Kim K.J.,(Ed.) 321-338, Springer, New York, 2008.

Tomi M., and Hosoya K.: Molecular mechanisms of the inner blood-retinal barrier transporters, In Ocular Transporters in Ophthalmic Diseases and Drug Delivery, by Tombran-Tink J., and Barnstable C.J.,(Ed.) 139-154, Springer, New York, 2008.

原著論文 (2007)

Inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform is a key mediator of leukostasis and blood-retinal barrier breakdown in diabetic retinopathy.
Leal EC, Manivannan A, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Cunha-Vaz J, Ambrósio AF, Forrester JV.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Nov;48(11):5257-65.

Na(+)-independent choline transport in rat retinal capillary endothelial cells.
Tomi M, Arai K, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K.
Neurochem Res. 2007 Nov;32(11):1833-42.

Function and regulation of taurine transport at the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Tomi M, Terayama T, Isobe T, Egami F, Morito A, Kurachi M, Ohtsuki S, Kang YS, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Microvasc Res. 2007 Mar;73(2):100-6.


細谷健一:薬物の分布.「パートナー薬剤学」寺田勝英,伊藤智夫編, 157-172, 南江堂, 東京, 2007.

細谷健一,片山和憲:薬物の排泄.「パートナー薬剤学」寺田勝英,伊藤智夫編, 188-203, 南江堂, 東京, 2007.

大塚 誠,細谷健一:製剤の種類.「わかりやすい物理薬剤学」第4版, 辻 彰, 河島 進編, 187-189, 廣川書店, 東京, 2007.

細谷健一,大塚 誠:固形製剤.「わかりやすい物理薬剤学」第4版, 辻 彰, 河島 進編, 190-205, 廣川書店, 東京, 2007.

Tachikawa M., Hosoya K., Ohtsuki S., Terasaki T.: A novel relationship between creatine transport at the blood-brain and blood-retinal barriers, creatine biosynthesis, and its use for brain and retinal energy homeostasis, In Creatine and Creatine Kinase in Health and Disease, by G.S.Salomons and M.Wyss(Ed) 83-98, Springer, 2007.

原著論文 (2006)

Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress in retinal pericytes by glucose deprivation.
Ikesugi K, Mulhern ML, Madson CJ, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Kador PF, Shinohara T.
Curr Eye Res. 2006 Nov;31(11):947-53.

Establishment and characterization of conditionally immortalized endothelial cell lines from the thoracic duct and inferior vena cava of tsA58/EGFP double-transgenic rats.
Matsuo M, Koizumi K, Yamada S, Tomi M, Takahashi R, Ueda M, Terasaki T, Obinata M, Hosoya K, Ohtani O, Saiki I.
Cell Tissue Res. 2006 Dec;326(3):749-58.

Application of microdialysis to evaluate the efflux transport of estradiol 17-beta glucuronide across the rat blood-retinal barrier.
Katayama K, Ohshima Y, Tomi M, Hosoya K.
J Neurosci Methods. 2006 Sep 30;156(1-2):249-56.

Functional and molecular characterization of adenosine transport at the rat inner blood-retinal barrier.
Nagase K, Tomi M, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006 Jan;1758(1):13-9.


細谷健一:血液網膜関門輸送研究の生物薬剤学的アプローチ. 薬剤学, 66: 332-337, 2006.

細谷健一:血液網膜関門輸送研究. 北陸地域アイソトープ研究会誌, 8: 31-35, 2006.

原著論文 (2005)

L-type amino acid transporter 1-mediated L-leucine transport at the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Tomi M, Mori M, Tachikawa M, Katayama K, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005 Jul;46(7):2522-30.

Evidence for creatine biosynthesis in Müller glia.
Nakashima T, Tomi M, Tachikawa M, Watanabe M, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Glia. 2005 Oct;52(1):47-52.

PKC/MAPK signaling suppression by retinal pericyte conditioned medium prevents retinal endothelial cell proliferation.
Kondo T, Hosoya K, Hori S, Tomi M, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T.
J Cell Physiol. 2005 May;203(2):378-86.


Hosoya K., and Tomi M.: Advances in the cell biology of transport via the inner blood-retinal barrier: establishment of cell lines and transport functions. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 28:1-8, 2005.

Hosoya K., Lee V.H.L., and Kim K.J.: Roles of the conjunctiva in ocular drug delivery: a review of conjunctival transport mechanisms and their regulation. Eur.J. Pharm. Biopharm., 60:227-240, 2005.

立川正憲, 寺崎哲也: 脳内エネルギー代謝における血液脳関門トランスポーターの生理的役割. 化学と生物, 43:166-171, 2005.

立川正憲, 寺崎哲也, 渡辺雅彦: クレアチンを介した脳内エネルギー代謝の調節機構とニューロン・グリア連関. Clinical Neuroscience, 23: 158-160, 2005.

原著論文 (2004)

Brain insulin impairs amyloid-beta(1-40) clearance from the brain.
Shiiki T, Ohtsuki S, Kurihara A, Naganuma H, Nishimura K, Tachikawa M, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurosci. 2004 Oct 27;24(43):9632-7.

Transporter mRNA expression in a conditionally immortalized rat small intestine epithelial cell line (TR-SIE).
Hosoya K, Tomi M, Takayama M, Komokata Y, Nakai D, Tokui T, Nishimura K, Ueda M, Obinata M, Hori S, Ohtsuki S, Amidon GL, Terasaki T.
Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2004 Aug;19(4):264-9.

Downregulation of retinal GLUT1 in diabetes by ubiquitinylation.
Fernandes R, Carvalho AL, Kumagai A, Seica R, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Murta J, Pereira P, Faro C.
Mol Vis. 2004 Aug 30;10:618-28.

Retinal selectivity of gene expression in rat retinal versus brain capillary endothelial cell lines by differential display analysis.
Tomi M, Abukawa H, Nagai Y, Hata T, Takanaga H, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Mol Vis. 2004 Aug 9;10:537-43.

Localization of organic anion transporting polypeptide 3 (oatp3) in mouse brain parenchymal and capillary endothelial cells.
Ohtsuki S, Takizawa T, Takanaga H, Hori S, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurochem. 2004 Aug;90(3):743-9.

Blood-to-retina transport of creatine via creatine transporter (CRT) at the rat inner blood-retinal barrier.
Nakashima T, Tomi M, Katayama K, Tachikawa M, Watanabe M, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
J Neurochem. 2004 Jun;89(6):1454-61.

Vitamin C transport in oxidized form across the rat blood-retinal barrier.
Hosoya K, Minamizono A, Katayama K, Terasaki T, Tomi M.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2004 Apr;45(4):1232-9.

Blood-brain barrier permeability of novel [D-arg2]dermorphin (1-4) analogs: transport property is related to the slow onset of antinociceptive activity in the central nervous system.
Deguchi Y, Naito Y, Ohtsuki S, Miyakawa Y, Morimoto K, Hosoya K, Sakurada S, Terasaki T.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2004 Jul;310(1):177-84.


Hosoya K.,Hori S.,Ohtsuki S.,and Terasaki T.: A new in vitro model for blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier transport studies: an immortalized choroid plexus epithelial cell line derived from the tsA58 SV40 large T-antigen gene transgenic rat. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.,56: 1875-1885,2004.

原著論文 (2003)

The l-isomer-selective transport of aspartic acid is mediated by ASCT2 at the blood-brain barrier.
Tetsuka K, Takanaga H, Ohtsuki S, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurochem. 2003 Nov;87(4):891-901.

Recombinant arginine deiminase as a differential modulator of inducible (iNOS) and endothelial (eNOS) nitric oxide synthetase activity in cultured endothelial cells.
Shen LJ, Lin WC, Beloussow K, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Ann DK, Shen WC.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2003 Nov 15;66(10):1945-52.

New approaches to in vitro models of blood-brain barrier drug transport.
Terasaki T, Ohtsuki S, Hori S, Takanaga H, Nakashima E, Hosoya K.
Drug Discov Today. 2003 Oct 15;8(20):944-54.

Establishment of conditionally immortalized rat retinal pericyte cell lines (TR-rPCT) and their application in a co-culture system using retinal capillary endothelial cell line (TR-iBRB2).
Kondo T, Hosoya K, Hori S, Tomi M, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Nakashima E, Iizasa H, Asashima T, Ueda M, Obinata M, Terasaki T.
Cell Struct Funct. 2003 Jun;28(3):145-53.

Expression and regulation of L-cystine transporter, system xc-, in the newly developed rat retinal Müller cell line (TR-MUL).
Tomi M, Funaki T, Abukawa H, Katayama K, Kondo T, Ohtsuki S, Ueda M, Obinata M, Terasaki T, Hosoya K.
Glia. 2003 Sep;43(3):208-17.

Rat organic anion transporter 3 (rOAT3) is responsible for brain-to-blood efflux of homovanillic acid at the abluminal membrane of brain capillary endothelial cells.
Mori S, Takanaga H, Ohtsuki S, Deguchi T, Kang YS, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2003 Apr;23(4):432-40.

Blood-brain barrier transport of a novel micro 1-specific opioid peptide, H-Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-beta-Ala-OH (TAPA).
Deguchi Y, Miyakawa Y, Sakurada S, Naito Y, Morimoto K, Ohtsuki S, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurochem. 2003 Mar;84(5):1154-61.


細谷健一:吸収.「わかりやすい生物薬剤学」, 第3版, 辻 彰編, 13-42, 廣川書店, 東京, 2003.

片山和憲:吸収.「わかりやすい生物薬剤学」, 第3版, 辻 彰編, 43-63, 廣川書店, 東京, 2003.

Terasaki T.,Ohtsuki S.,Hori S.,Takanaga H.,Nakashima E.,and Hosoya K.: New approaches to in vitro models of the blood-brain barrier drug transport. Drug Discov. Today,8:944-954,2003.

登美斉俊: 網膜を標的としたドラッグデリバリー, 薬剤学, 63:193-196, 2003.

原著論文 (2002)

Coordinating Etk/Bmx activation and VEGF upregulation to promote cell survival and proliferation.
Chau CH, Chen KY, Deng HT, Kim KJ, Hosoya K, Terasaki T, Shih HM, Ann DK.
Oncogene. 2002 Dec 12;21(57):8817-29.

The blood-brain barrier creatine transporter is a major pathway for supplying creatine to the brain.
Ohtsuki S, Tachikawa M, Takanaga H, Shimizu H, Watanabe M, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2002 Nov;22(11):1327-35.

Regulation of taurine transport at the blood-brain barrier by tumor necrosis factor-alpha, taurine and hypertonicity.
Kang YS, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Tomi M, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurochem. 2002 Dec;83(5):1188-95.

Recent advances in the brain-to-blood efflux transport across the blood-brain barrier.
Hosoya K, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T.
Int J Pharm. 2002 Nov 6;248(1-2):15-29.

Internalization of basic fibroblast growth factor at the mouse blood-brain barrier involves perlecan, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan.
Deguchi Y, Okutsu H, Okura T, Yamada S, Kimura R, Yuge T, Furukawa A, Morimoto K, Tachikawa M, Ohtsuki S, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
J Neurochem. 2002 Oct;83(2):381-9.

Localization of norepinephrine and serotonin transporter in mouse brain capillary endothelial cells.
Wakayama K, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
Neurosci Res. 2002 Oct;44(2):173-80.

Enhancement of L-cystine transport activity and its relation to xCT gene induction at the blood-brain barrier by diethyl maleate treatment.
Hosoya K, Tomi M, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Saeki S, Kanai Y, Endou H, Naito M, Tsuruo T, Terasaki T.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Jul;302(1):225-31.

ATA2 is predominantly expressed as system A at the blood-brain barrier and acts as brain-to-blood efflux transport for L-proline.
Takanaga H, Tokuda N, Ohtsuki S, Hosoya K, Terasaki T.
Mol Pharmacol. 2002 Jun;61(6):1289-96.

Newly developed rat brain pericyte cell line, TR-PCT1, responds to transforming growth factor-beta1 and beta-glycerophosphate.
Asashima T, Iizasa H, Terasaki T, Hosoya K, Tetsuka K, Ueda M, Obinata M, Nakashima E.
Eur J Cell Biol. 2002 Mar;81(3):145-52.

Induction of xCT gene expression and L-cystine transport activity by diethyl maleate at the inner blood-retinal barrier.
Tomi M, Hosoya K, Takanaga H, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002 Mar;43(3):774-9.

In vivo evidence for brain-to-blood efflux transport of valproic acid across the blood-brain barrier.
Kakee A, Takanaga H, Hosoya K, Sugiyama Y, Terasaki T.
Microvasc Res. 2002 Mar;63(2):233-8.


細谷健一: 薬物の分布,「INTEGRATED ESSENTIALS薬剤学」, 改訂第6版, 花野 学他編, 203-219, 南江堂, 東京, 2002.

片山和憲,細谷健一: 薬物の排池,「INTEGRATED ESSENTIALS薬剤学」, 改訂第6版, 花野 学他編, 236-252, 南江堂, 東京, 2002.

Hosoya K.,Ohtsuki S.,and Terasaki T.: Blood-brain barrier transport and drug targeting to the brain,In Biomedical aspects of drug targeting,by Muzykantov V.R.,and Torchil in V.P.(Ed.) 313-326,Kluwer,New York,2002.

片山和憲: 物質の変形と流動,「わかりやすい物理薬剤学」, 第3版, 辻 彰, 河島 進編, 119-133, 廣川書店, 東京, 2002.

片山和憲: 各種剤形と物理薬剤学,「わかりやすい物理薬剤学」, 第3版, 辻 彰, 河島 進編, 195-206, 廣川書店, 東京, 2002.

Terasaki T.,Ohtsuki S.,Hori S.,and Hosoya K.: Blood-brain barrier transport biology and drug delivery to the brain,In Advance in biomaterials and drug delivery systems,by Hsiue G.H. et al.(Ed.) 499-516,Princeton Int. Pub. Co.,Taipei,2002.

Hosoya K.,Ohtsuki S.,and Terasaki T.: Recent advances in the brain-to-blood efflux transport across the blood-brain barrier. Int. J. Pharm.. 248:15-29. 2002.

原著論文 (2001)

Acidic amino acid transport characteristics of a newly developed conditionally immortalized rat type 2 astrocyte cell line (TR-AST).
Tetsuka K, Hosoya KI, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Yanai N, Ueda M, Obinata M, Terasaki T.
Cell Struct Funct. 2001 Aug;26(4):197-203.

GAT2/BGT-1 as a system responsible for the transport of gamma-aminobutyric acid at the mouse blood-brain barrier.
Takanaga H, Ohtsuki S, Hosoya Ki, Terasaki T.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2001 Oct;21(10):1232-9.


Lee V.H.L.,and Hosoya K.: Drug delivery to the posterior segment. In Retina 3rd Ed,by Ryan S.J.(Ed),2270-2285,C.V. Mosby,St. Louis,2001.

畑中朋美: 有機硝酸化合物の体内動態と薬理効果における脱ニトロ化反応の役割. 薬物動態, 16: 22-26,2001.

出口芳春,奥津広士,内藤隆文,黄倉 崇,山田静雄,弓削卓郎,古川明彦,大槻純男,細谷健一,寺崎哲也,森本一洋,木村良平: Basic Fibro-blast Growth Factorの血液脳関門透過機構.薬物動態, 16: 140-144,2001.

細谷健一,寺崎哲也: 血液網膜関門及ぴ血液脳関門の再構築とドラッグデリパリー研究への応用. Drug Delivery Syst.,16:29-38,2001.

大槻純男,高長ひとみ,細谷健一,寺崎哲也: 概説一血液脳関門研究の最近の進歩. 生体の科学, 52:532-540. 2001.

細谷健一,高長ひとみ,大槻純男,寺崎哲也: 血液脳関門輸送系の分子機構と生理的役割. 生体の科学, 52: 552-562,2001.

Terasaki T.,and Hosoya K.: Conditionally immortalized cell lines as a new in vitro model for the study of barrier functions. Biol. Pharm. Bull.. 24:111-118. 2001.

原著論文 (2000年以前)

mRNA expression and transport characterization of conditionally immortalized rat brain capillary endothelial cell lines; a new in vitro BBB model for drug targeting.
Hosoya KI, Takashima T, Tetsuka K, Nagura T, Ohtsuki S, Takanaga H, Ueda M, Yanai N, Obinata M, Terasaki T.
J Drug Target. 2000;8(6):357-70.

Carrier-mediated transport of NG-nitro-L-arginine, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, in the pigmented rabbit conjunctiva.
Hosoya KI, Horibe Y, Kim KJ, Lee VH.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1998 Apr;285(1):223-7.

Age-dependent expression of P-glycoprotein gp170 in Caco-2 cell monolayers.
Hosoya KI, Kim KJ, Lee VH.
Pharm Res. 1996 Jun;13(6):885-90.


Terasaki T.,Ohtsuki S.,Takanaga H.,Testuka K.,Nagase K.,Wakayama K.,Osawa I.,Yanai N.,Obinata M.,Kikuchi A.,Okano T.,and Hosoya K.: Brain barrier function: its analysis and reconstitution,In Tissue Engi-neering for Therapeutic Use 4,by Ikeda K.,and Shimizu Y.(Ed.),95-104,Elsevier,Amsterdam,2000.

高長ひとみ,森しのぶ,徳田典代,大槻純男,細谷健一,寺崎哲也: 薬物動態を決定する機能蛋白質: 血液脳関門と血液脳脊髄液関門. 月刊薬事, 42: 761-776, 2000.

小泉保: 薬物生体内挙動と薬物反応の速度論的解析. 薬学雑誌, 120: 445-454, 2000.

Hatanaka T.: Clinical pharmacokinetics of pravastatin: Mechanisms of pharmacokinetic events. Clin. Pharmacokin.,39: 397-412,2000.

T. Terasaki, K. Hosoya: The blood-brain barrier efflux transporters as a detoxifying system for the brain, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 36, 195-209, 1999.

T. Terasaki, K. Hosoya: The brain efflux index method(BEI) IN: Brain barrier Systems, Alfred Benzon Symposium 45, O.B. Paulson, G.M. Knudsen, T. Moos(Ed), Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 114-123, 1999.

寺崎哲也,細谷健一: 血液脳関門研究における最近の進歩. 薬事新報, 2050, 331-337, 1999.