
Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology

Professor Toshiyasu Sasaoka,M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor Hiroshi Tsuneki, Ph.D.
Lecturer Tsutomu Wada, Ph.D.

[Research Interests]
The goal of our research is to understand the mechanism of development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and diabetic complications, and to provide a novel strategy for the prevention and treatment of these diseases. We are moving toward the goal by investigating the mechanism of peripheral and central insulin resistance and by examining novel drug effects in the following in vitro and in vivo studies, using transgenic mice and knockout mice.

Main research projects

  • 1. Analysis of mechanisms underlying the development of insulin resistance :
    Our laboratory studies the impacts of protein and lipid phosphatases, including SHIP2 that we identified, and adrenal and sex steroid hormones on the development of insulin resistance.
  • 2. Analysis of central action of insulin and hypothalamic neuropeptide for energy homeostasis :
    We are investigating how the systemic glucose and lipid metabolism, and energy expenditure are regulated by brain insulin and orexin via humoral and neuronal pathways.
  • 3. Development of novel treatment for T2DM and diabetic complications :
    We are conducting studies to develop novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of T2DM, diabetic complications and diabetes-related neurological disorders including Alzheimer's disease and depression.