研究内容 Research


The value of natural products in drug development remains unchanged, and the discovery and development of new compounds/drugs is an important issue in pharmaceutical science. By understanding the genetic information contained in natural resources and the metabolic control mechanisms of plants, and developing synthetic biological methods, it will be possible to produce useful drug candidates while conserving resources. We are conducting research with resource conservation in mind through natural product chemistry, molecular biology, plant physiology, and plant breeding.

メンバー Member

園長(併任) 酒井秀紀 SAKAI Hideki, Ph.D.
講師 李貞範 LEE Jung-Bum, Ph.D.
助教 山村良美 YAMAMURA Yoshimi, Ph.D.
技術職員 辰尾良秋 TATSUO Yoshiaki
技術専門職員 高尾泰昌 TAKAO Yasuymasa, M.AGR.
技術職員 村上芳哉 MURAKAMI Yoshiya, M.AGR
大学院生 3名
学部生 8名


Our laboratory consists of a director, faculty members (2 people), graduate students (3 people), and undergraduate students (6 people). In addition, we are working on research activities and the maintenance and management of the medicinal garden with the cooperation of the technical staff (3 people) who are engaged in the maintenance and management of the medicinal plant garden.

研究業績 Publications

Functional Characterization of Three Diterpene Synthases Responsible for Tetracyclic Diterpene Biosynthesis, Plants, 2023, 12(1), 69.

本論文では熱帯生薬用植物Scoparia dulcisが産生するユニークな四環性ジテルペン生合成に関わる3種のジテルペン環化酵素を明らかにした。

Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Research


Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Research, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama has approximately 2000 species of medicinal plants.The number of medicinal plants it owns is one of the highest among medicinal plant gardens in Japan, and it is a medicinal plant garden with a long history. We also own and manage valuable plant specimens collected from all over Japan and herbal medicine specimens.



Notice from Lab. Plant Resource Sciences (Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Research).

